SEA4SHORE Project Kick-Off Meeting in Riga, Latvia

🌊🚢 SEA4SHORE Project Kick-Off Meeting in Riga, Latvia! 🚢🌊

📅 Date: April 4-5, 2024

🕘 Venue: Riga Technical University, Latvia

🌐 More info:

SEA4SHORE ‘’Seafarers Experience Appealing For Shore’’ Project officially started in March 2024 and will have a 24 months duration. The first transnational project meeting in Riga, Latvia will take place tomorrow and partners are motivated and committed to deliver the project activities. The kick-off meeting will be 2 days meeting.

The meeting will be hosted by the project coordinator, RTU – Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. The partners from Turkey, Maritime Innovators (Coordinator), LAJM Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla (Lithuania), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), IDEC S.A. (Greece), and the Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka (Croatia) will gather to discuss about the project activities such as work packages, dissemination, to identify the basic principles, tasks, methods and strategies for developing the action plan in order to address the intellectual outputs, activities and the events in the following months.

The project outputs will be used by especially youngsters who are joining to seafaring career as well as navigation and engineering officers. The project targets maritime education and training centres, shipping companies, academics, maritime professionals, international organisations and policy makers who are interested in working towards improving maritime education and training.

More news will follow in the following days.

SEA4SHORE Project Kick-Off Meeting in Riga, Latvia

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